Recognizing the undeniable role of social media in shaping our travel plans is as evident as acknowledging that the sun is always shining. In the interconnected world we live in, it has become natural to turn to these digital platforms in search of inspiration, recommendations, and a glimpse into the experiences of other travelers. However, the real extent of social media's impact on our travel decisions remains a fascinating and enigmatic topic. While it's no secret that social media plays a significant role in vacation itinerary planning, the true magnitude of its influence remains a captivating mystery waiting to be unraveled. According to a Morning Consult report, 92% of Generation Z users in the United States use social media, with 54% of them spending at least four hours a day on these platforms. Furthermore, Gen Zers stated that they spend more time interacting with their peers per week, on average, through video games (65%) than in school (64%) or at work (51%). These numbers highlight the omnipresence of social media in the daily lives of young people, and this reality directly impacts their travel decisions. A fascinating example of social media's influence on the choice of tourist destinations can be observed in the