Danilo Díazgranado Manglano is an entrepreneur and inversionist from Venezuela. His devotion to people and abilities to visualize potential business opportunities made his persona who is also characterized for his discretion and simplicity.

Stating all the relationships built with people from different professional fields has been the key point to his career path. “These are the fundamentals to success in business. As for me, some even happened from steady friendships valid till the present days.

Launching a business requires a seed capital. He has made the role as “Seedsman” part of his occupation for both his own business and to startup ideas of others. His father, Dr. Danilo Díazgranados was too helped by him to develop a travel agency “As an air bridge it benefits venezuelan students, like myself, who found in Miami the opportunity for university education.”

Returned to Venezuela, where he married María Josefina Salvatierra, daughter of Salvador Salvatierra, president of Banco Unión of Venezuela, by the time it was the empire in national banking. Díazgranado started then the work focus in investment and business, first in the country, then for international markets in the US, Switzerland, Belgium, Spain and more.

His first relevant job in finance was reported in the early 90’s at Banco Unión. Handling responsibilities as broker for Seguros Caracas. “I would say this was the moment I stepped in as a professional into the world of investments, that’s when I bought stocks in Seguros Qualitas and Proseguros. This allowed me to start funding a good capital to land other businesses”.

He began these new businesses in the decade of the 2000’s. He briefly participated and succeeded in the market of national debt of Venezuela and Latin America, although the situation in the country worsened through time and like millions of fellow citizens he migrated. For this new stage, Díazgranados knew and anticipated the tendencies for international stock markets, identifying fields in which he accomplished the best years of his career with no dependence on Venezuela.

Located now in the Dominican Republic, spending time in the US and other countries where he has investments related to hospitality, gastronomy, real estate, shopping malls and health care. Also has the title as stakeholder for a bank in the United states, standing by top financial practices and monitored under the most demanding levels of regulatory compliance that characterized this jurisdiction. “The decisions to invest in my business have been significantly influenced by my entrepreneurial spirit”. Some cases related to gastronomy and art are also influenced by his passions, to which he dedicates his attention more frequently with time.

Danilo Díazgranado Manglano’s human values are closely tied to his family and profession, but also to follow philanthropic activities and social responsibility. Donor of a non-governmental organization El hogar del Niño, supporting education initiatives for Fundación MIR a non-profit organization, and  extending on gastronomy he promoted and sponsored culinary certifications by the faculty of Hotel, Gastronomy & Pastry at Instituto de Formación Técnico Profesional (INFOTEP) government alliance in the Dominican Republic. ”Like they helped me in my professional beginnings, I want to give back to others who want to entrepreneur”