The hospitality industry is one of the largest and most prosperous in the world, generating approximately $7.7 trillion in global revenue in 2022. However, it is also one of the most polluting. A study published in Nature Climate Change estimates that the hospitality industry is responsible for 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions, while data from the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) predicts that CO2 emissions from tourism will increase by at least 25% by 2030. Given the challenge posed by climate change and the responsibility that falls on renowned corporations and brands, it is my pleasure to address in this article the actions that major hotel chains are taking to reduce their environmental footprint. One of the primary sources of pollution in the hospitality industry is waste. Hotels, restaurants, and other tourism businesses generate significant amounts of waste, including paper, plastic, glass, and metal. This waste can have a detrimental impact on the environment, contributing to climate change, air and water pollution, and biodiversity loss. In this regard, in recent years the hospitality industry has begun to take measures to mitigate its environmental footprint, with a key strategy being recycling. A significant example is the commitment of the Hilton hotel chain, known for