As we begin the second half of the year, it is essential to stop and review on the emerging market trends. This pause will allow us to make informed decisions and, if necessary, adjust our objectives to ensure optimal results in our businesses. It is the right time to evaluate which aspects of the sector remain relevant and which require modifications to adapt to the new market realities. If, like me, you are passionate about the tourism sector, I invite you to join me in this analysis of the evolution of tourism for the remainder of the year. Unique Experiences A few weeks ago, we discussed wellness tourism and how this category has gained relevance as current travelers seek to improve their quality of life. This trend is closely linked to luxury tourism. According to Hosteltur, this type of tourism continues to resonate as travelers prioritize a lifestyle that promotes both external and internal well-being. This implies that destinations will be valued for the activities they offer, such as spiritual, gastronomic, and physical experiences. The demand for exclusive and transformative experiences continues to grow, and it is an opportunity we should not miss. Sustainable Tourism Environmental awareness is increasingly present in society, and travelers are