As Confucius once said, “to know how to eat is to know how to live,” a phrase that invites us to appreciate food both for the pleasure of enjoying a great dish and for the nutritional benefits it provides. Without a doubt, eating is a pleasure for many, so much so that the tourism sector has a category dedicated exclusively to it: gastronomic tourism. For travelers, gastronomic tourism is a strong motivation when considering a destination. According to a report by La República, a survey conducted by the travel website Booking revealed that 88% of respondents consider tasting local cuisine as one of the main reasons for choosing a destination. If traveling is on your agenda for the rest of the year, here are some top cities you might consider for a unique culinary experience, as they are renowned for their gastronomic offerings centered around Michelin-starred restaurants, which have gained much popularity. According to the latest figures published last year, Tokyo leads with 200 Michelin-starred restaurants, with ratings ranging from 1 to 3 stars. Following this, 9,706 km away, Paris has 130 Michelin stars. And to not leave it there, I also want to share two restaurants in each destination that, may