How did Easter affect the recovery of tourism after the pandemic?
Two years have passed since the start of the pandemic and the consequences it has brought to the tourism sector are still visible, and as if that were not enough, the economic impacts caused by the armed conflicts between Ukraine and Russia have been added. Even so, it is possible to say that this April 2022 international tourism reached its best moment thanks to Holy Week.
Despite its short duration in relation to the summer holidays in August and the year-end festivities, Easter represents a major occasion for the hotel sector. On this occasion, it appeared as the outstanding factor in the recovery of tourism in various cities.
In Madrid, the occupancy was quite close to the figures reached years before the pandemic, in this 2022 exceeding 80%, other locations such as Andalusia registered an occupancy of 99% registering an absolute recovery of the tourism sector.
Other countries like France are very close to achieving absolute restoration in hotel reservation statistics. As of March 2022, hotel booking results in Portugal have increased by 105%. In the Dominican Republic, hotel occupancy in Punta Cana and La Romana reached 88% in both locations.
Internal tourism has been another influential factor in the recovery of the sector, since the popularity of this category and vacation experiences established an attraction that has served as a gateway for international tourist experiences. The hotel sector continues to recover due to the consequences of the pandemic and the different negative effects of the economy around the world, but expectations are also positive thanks to the dynamism that has been growing and appears to continue in this summer of 2022.