Millionaire Opportunities: How Great Entrepreneurs Turned Needs into Profitable Businesses
It’s no secret that great businesses arise from needs reflected in our daily lives. In many cases, what starts as a “challenge” turns into a business opportunity. A few months ago, we discussed green businesses, which were born from environmental issues, affecting specific sectors, creating economic challenges, such as the case of sargassum and its impact on tourism.
Today, I want to share the story of a young entrepreneur, yes, a young one, just 11 years old. Her name is Lily Born, and a few years ago, she developed a special cup known as the Kangaroo Cup, designed for people with Alzheimer’s. Before becoming a business proposal, her idea came from a personal need: her grandfather, who suffers from Parkinson’s disease and had difficulty doing simple things like drinking water. What started as a solution for her grandfather turned into an invention that has improved the lives of thousands of people.
Lily Born’s case is a clear example of innovation, active listening, and observing current needs. Sometimes, we think innovation lies in something completely new, when, in reality, many times opportunities are in needs we have right in front of us that, for years, we haven’t noticed or used as a base to create new ideas or even improve existing ones.