Gastronomy is much more than a mere source of sustenance. It is a language, an artistic expression deeply rooted in the cultural identity of a people. Through its flavors, aromas, and culinary techniques, gastronomy transcends borders, allowing us to explore and understand the richness of the cultures that create it. On this occasion, I am pleased to discuss with you a deeper perspective on this industry, and how it is more than just a basic necessity; it is a way of communicating, sharing, and celebrating. Gastronomy as a Reflection of Cultural Identity A region's cuisine mirrors its history, traditions, and values. Each dish, each ingredient, tells a story about its place of origin. For example, Mexican cuisine is a blend of flavors and cooking techniques from pre-Hispanic, European, and African cultures, while French cuisine is known for its sophistication and use of high-quality ingredients. Both are historical archives where the influences of past generations are found. Gastronomy as a Form of Communication In a globalized world, gastronomy has become a bridge that connects people from different backgrounds. Eating together is a way to build bonds and understand cultural differences. When we share a meal prepared with love and care, we engage in a silent conversation