Gastronomy as a form of cultural expression

Gastronomy is much more than a mere source of sustenance. It is a language, an artistic expression deeply rooted in the cultural identity of a people. Through its flavors, aromas, and culinary techniques, gastronomy transcends borders, allowing us to explore and understand the richness of the cultures that create it.

On this occasion, I am pleased to discuss with you a deeper perspective on this industry, and how it is more than just a basic necessity; it is a way of communicating, sharing, and celebrating.

Gastronomy as a Reflection of Cultural Identity

A region’s cuisine mirrors its history, traditions, and values. Each dish, each ingredient, tells a story about its place of origin. For example, Mexican cuisine is a blend of flavors and cooking techniques from pre-Hispanic, European, and African cultures, while French cuisine is known for its sophistication and use of high-quality ingredients. Both are historical archives where the influences of past generations are found.

Gastronomy as a Form of Communication

In a globalized world, gastronomy has become a bridge that connects people from different backgrounds. Eating together is a way to build bonds and understand cultural differences. When we share a meal prepared with love and care, we engage in a silent conversation that transcends words. Traditional dishes are messages that tell us who we are and where we come from.

Gastronomy as an Art Form

As we have emphasized, gastronomy goes beyond mere nutrition; it is an art form that awakens the senses. A well-crafted dish is a work of art that combines textures, colors, and flavors into a unique harmony. Chefs are artists who use ingredients as their palette and plates as their canvas. For instance, Chef Ferran Adrià is known for his innovative dishes and avant-garde culinary techniques, just as Chef Massimo Bottura is renowned for his use of recycled ingredients.

Gastronomy is a form of cultural expression that is rich, diverse, and serves as a way to connect with our history, with others, and with the world around us. In this regard, I take the opportunity to share with you the 4th edition of the “Creative Cuisine” diploma, an initiative that supports the creation of opportunities and encourages young talent to unveil the secrets of gastronomy as a form of expression and culinary art.

It is an honor for me to sponsor initiatives like these and collaborate with the Instituto Nacional de Formación Técnico Profesional (INFOTEP) to promote the growth and development of a new generation of chefs and culinary enthusiasts.

I eagerly anticipate witnessing the talent of these young individuals flourish and contributing to the strengthening of the gastronomic industry.