In recent years, we have witnessed the rapid growth of tourism, positioning itself as one of the fastest-growing sectors, second only to technology, further boosted by the exponential advancement of artificial intelligence. As avid readers, we understand the economic impact of tourism and its crucial influence on sustainability. However, today I want to explore a type of tourism that is gaining increasing relevance: regenerative tourism. This approach goes beyond mere sustainability, aiming not only to mitigate environmental impact, but also to actively contribute to the restoration and improvement of the environment. Regenerative tourism is distinguished by activities designed not only to reduce the negative impact of conventional tourism, but also to enhance environmental resilience in the face of climate change. In response to current challenges in the tourism industry, this approach emerges as a necessary and responsible option. A prominent example of this model is The Good Concierge Project, featured on, highlighting Víctor Fernández Morales as Co-Founder and Project Director. Pula Golf Resort in Mallorca stands out as a leader in competitive regenerative hospitality. Since its establishment in 1996, the resort has been recognized for its commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and environmental policies. During the COVID-19 pandemic, it actively

The inclusion of female leadership in the workplace is crucial for promoting gender equality and fostering innovation. Female leaders not only bring a unique perspective but also inspire others to achieve their professional goals, thereby driving economic independence. Despite progress, gender gaps persist in many countries. In Mexico, for example, women's labor participation was only 45% compared to 77% for men in 2022, according to a World Bank report. This underscores the importance of continuing to work towards promoting equal opportunities. Companies that promote the inclusion of women in all areas of work experience various benefits, such as better talent retention, more equitable policies benefiting all employees, and greater diversity in the workforce, which helps prevent gender, racial, and sexual discrimination. Furthermore, these benefits also translate into positive economic aspects for countries, such as an increase in per capita income and greater economic growth. How does this topic remain relevant today? Despite efforts to close gender gaps, there is still much work to be done. The inclusion of female leadership remains a priority for building a fair, equitable, and prosperous workplace for all.

The hospitality industry is one of the largest and most prosperous in the world, generating approximately $7.7 trillion in global revenue in 2022. However, it is also one of the most polluting. A study published in Nature Climate Change estimates that the hospitality industry is responsible for 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions, while data from the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) predicts that CO2 emissions from tourism will increase by at least 25% by 2030. Given the challenge posed by climate change and the responsibility that falls on renowned corporations and brands, it is my pleasure to address in this article the actions that major hotel chains are taking to reduce their environmental footprint. One of the primary sources of pollution in the hospitality industry is waste. Hotels, restaurants, and other tourism businesses generate significant amounts of waste, including paper, plastic, glass, and metal. This waste can have a detrimental impact on the environment, contributing to climate change, air and water pollution, and biodiversity loss. In this regard, in recent years the hospitality industry has begun to take measures to mitigate its environmental footprint, with a key strategy being recycling. A significant example is the commitment of the Hilton hotel chain, known for

The hospitality industry is one of the largest and most dynamic in the world, with millions of people traveling annually in search of unique and memorable experiences. This sector not only fulfills the purpose of providing unforgettable moments for travelers but also generates millions in revenue and provides employment opportunities for numerous people. The rise of hospitality as an investment In recent years, the hotel sector has experienced steady and sustainable growth worldwide. According to a Statista report, in 2023, the global hospitality market reached nearly 4.7 trillion dollars and was projected to grow to 5.8 trillion dollars in 2027, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.5 percent. Undoubtedly, hospitality, with its focus on customer satisfaction and the creation of meaningful experiences for visitors, has emerged as an extremely attractive investment option. As people seek more genuine experiences during their travels, there has been a shift towards a greater demand for boutique accommodations, eco-resorts, adventure tourism, and unique gastronomic options. Now, let's explore a little about how hospitality has become a viable option for investors and how this industry offers a fresh and constantly growing perspective. Stability and resilience: while financial markets may be volatile, the hospitality industry tends to be more stable

In a world full of social and environmental challenges, there is a special group of brave and visionary individuals who are changing the business game. These are the social entrepreneurs, passionate people who use their leadership skills to tackle urgent issues and generate a positive impact on society. Their inspiring stories invite us to dream big and show us that it is possible to combine business with a higher purpose. Join me as I share some of these stories, which, regardless of the passage of time, are among the best ones in my opinion. D.Light In 2007, Sam Goldman and Ned Tozun founded d.light with a clear goal in mind: to provide accessible and sustainable energy to electricity-deprived communities worldwide. Through the manufacturing and distribution of affordable solar lamps, they have illuminated the homes of millions of people, reducing dependence on dangerous and costly lighting sources like kerosene lamps. Thanks to the work of d.light, the quality of life has improved in numerous communities across more than 60 countries. Grameen Bank Muhammad Yunus, the Nobel Peace Prize laureate, founded Grameen Bank in Bangladesh with the aim of combating poverty through the provision of microcredit. Yunus' innovative approach has enabled low-income individuals to access financing for

At present, community tourism has become an attractive form of investment for many investors. By investing in community-based tourism, investors not only have the opportunity to earn financial gain, but also to have a positive impact on society and the environment. This type of activity focuses on promoting the economic and social development of local communities through sustainable and responsible tourism, through the inclusion of local communities in the development of sustainable tourism activities and projects. One of the most common ways to invest in it is through the purchase of tourist properties. This includes the acquisition of hotels, guest houses, restaurants and other tourist establishments. In this sense, local communities are the main beneficiaries of the tourist activity, since they are given the opportunity to develop and offer unique tourist products, such as nature tours, craft workshops, traditional foods, among others, which allow the visitor to experience the local culture in an authentic and genuine way. In conclusion, community tourism is a tourism alternative that seeks to promote sustainable and responsible development of local communities, while providing an authentic and enriching experience to travelers. In this way, a conscious travel style is encouraged that supports both local communities and the preservation of the

Showing yourself as a responsible company is a difficult task. However, it is profitable. For this 2023, the role of companies in the face of sustainability must consider and maintain a balance between social, environmental and development impacts. In a world that is constantly changing and companies are facing unprecedented challenges, big brands are forced to take responsible measures that support new parameters of sustainable development. Uncertainty about the future, the incorporation of new technologies and financial management are just some of the challenges that will shake the work and management model of companies. According to the Global Compact of the Spanish Network, these are some of the business trends that will mark 2023 in terms of sustainability. Digital transformation. Digital innovation and sustainability go hand in hand. For this year, processes are expected to be more automated and work management much more dynamic and flexible, improving human and production conditions. Sustainability in supply chains. Due to the need to establish resilience measures and manage possible risks from an economic, environmental and social perspective, supply chains have the responsibility of promoting and guaranteeing sustainability in the business process and showing transparency in the management model. . Sustainable financing. The green economy or sustainable economy establishes sustainable development criteria