Artificial intelligence in the tourism sector
It is evident how the evolution of technology and AI capabilities are modifying the operations of commerce sectors and industries worldwide. Processes are being optimized and companies can offer better products and services to their consumers.
Indeed, AI is here to stay and what may now seem surprising, was discovered in something normal in our daily lives. Today I will talk specifically about how this technological innovation revolutionizes the tourism sector and the performance of hotels.
Artificial intelligence has numerous applications in the tourism sector, impacting both the consumer experience and the operating model of companies. Let’s see a little more:
Customer acquisition. With AI it will be much easier to attract customers, where the search system becomes more and more personalized and companies develop marketing strategies that adapt to consumer requests and preferences. Thanks to this, the number of options is reduced, processes are streamlined and recommendations are precisely tailored to the interests of the client.
Business plans. The companies base the preparation of their business plan on strategies that improve and stimulate the consumer experience, maximizing competitiveness and aiming at sustainable tourism with the use of new technologies.
For example, with the use of artificial intelligence from Google it is possible to optimize campaigns in real time based on the user interaction, history, conversion probability, among other parameters.
Services. Robots and chatbots will optimize services such as room hygiene, reservations, assistance in the registration process, language translation, access to information, and a number of operations that will make these processes faster and more efficient, with the advantage of responding and guiding guests immediately.
Sustainability. Tourism is a strategic activity for the economy of many countries. The development of smart tourism goes hand in hand with the sustainability and growth of smart cities through initiatives that support caring for the environment and improving the quality of life of citizens.
This includes access to free Wi-Fi in public places, infrastructure that guarantees sustainable development and equitable accessibility, for example, Tequila, based in Jalisco, Mexico, offers free Wi-Fi in its historic center, has an app with information on products and services in the area, as well as a data system that notifies travelers in real time about traffic and commercial activities.
In short, technology is transforming the operating system of many sectors and tourism is not far behind, its innumerable applications are capable of providing users with an unforgettable experience, adding value to services and making market competitiveness even more challenging.
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