Contributions to education and culture
The MIR foundation and the businessman Danilo Díazgranados inaugurated the main library of the Politécnico María Auxiliadora, an area that houses a total of 900 girls and young people from the province of La Romana. The inaugurated space aims to help the students strengthen their love of reading and have educational and technological materials to fulfill their school assignments.
The MIR foundation and the businessman Danilo Díazgranados inaugurated the main library of the Politécnico María Auxiliadora, an area that houses a total of 900 girls and young people from the province of La Romana. The inaugurated space aims to help the students strengthen their love of reading and have educational and technological materials to fulfill their school assignments.
The opening ceremony was attended by the general director of MIR Foundation, Monique Acevedo; the Provincial Director of Culture of La Romana, Juan Hernández Inirio; and businessman Danilo Díazgranados.
“For us, it is of the utmost importance to prepare young people capable of interacting with a professional world full of challenges. For this reason, together with businessman Danilo Díazgranados, we have undertaken this project that provides the appropriate space and materials to promote academic development “,
Monique Acevedo, general director of the Foundation, mentioned in her welcoming remarks.
For his part, the businessman Díazgranados thanked the MIR Foundation for allowing him to contribute to this cause, which in the short and long term will translate into greater development for the La Romana area. “Promoting the improvement of the quality of education is a task that involves all the actors in our society. Given this, we must continue to join forces to take Dominican education to the next level, only in this way can we contribute to the formation of citizens prepared and empowered to face the personal and professional challenges that life presents us.
Finally, Juan Hernández Inirio, provincial director of Culture of La Romana, said: “I salute the efforts undertaken to open this new space for the benefit of our community. Reading opens the doors of the world to us, that is why it is vital to encourage this habit from a young age. In addition to putting new knowledge within our reach, it helps strengthen students’ confidence and self-esteem. We cannot fail to mention that it also promotes people’s emotional maturity ”.
Hoy.com.do – November 25, 2019