Innovative ideas for education in times of COVID-19
SANTO DOMINGO. – The MIR Foundation organized the first virtual reading circle as an example of motivating other organizations, educational centers and even parents to continue developing initiatives of this type and promoting the habit of reading from home.
The institution reported that it had to modify its teaching-learning model, and introduce dynamic and innovative initiatives to keep its students motivated in very adverse conditions reading from home.
Technology has been an essential ally during the quarantine to be able to continue with the school program. Video calling tools, animated videos, games and more participatory classes have been key for teachers in breaking the distance barrier and capturing the attention of their students.
The MIR Foundation developed a virtual meeting with the Dominican author of children’s stories Yina Guerrero, in which students from 8 to 12 years old in vulnerable conditions participated.
In the virtual reading circle, the animation “Martín, the stories fisherman” was presented, a story that narrates the adventures of Martín and his family in the María Trinidad Sánchez province. This story is part of CCN’s Orgullo de Mi Tierra campaign, which highlights beautiful places in the Dominican Republic.
The writer Guerrero, shared with the students the process for the creation of a story from the investigation to the moment of writing. After this, she began to interact with them exchanging ideas, highlighting what they had learned and answering their questions.
Yina Guerrero is a native of Santo Domingo, but she lived for many years in the city of La Vega. In 2016 she published her first book My grandfather is 8 years old, and later, Bad hair, who?, Martin the fisherman of stories, Mama Bear, why am I different? and Forbidden to enter the kitchen.
The reading circle is part of the activities program of the Library donated by businessman Danilo Diazgranados, as part of his contributions to education and culture in the country, one of the ideas that he promotes together with the Fundación MIR enhance the use of technologies at the service of education.
During the meeting, Monique Acevedo, general director of the Fundación MIR, thanked the author for her collaboration and urged other organizations to innovate in their teaching methods to keep students motivated during the pandemic.
Thank you very much Yina for being part of this reading circle, which allows us to stay connected with our students during the time of social distancing. These types of activities are proof that we must be creative to achieve our objectives, implementing dynamic strategies. For example, integrating the family into educational processes, using new technological tools and adding interesting resources are some ideas that can be implemented during these times to continue cultivating study habits.
The activity ended with the projection of an animation made by the author for UNICEF, in which children explained the importance of staying home during the COVID-19 pandemic.
MIR Foundation (Mission International Rescue) is a non-profit organization that works to provide vulnerable people in the Dominican Republic with a variety of services for their well-being. Since 1988, they have served the women, youth and children of La Romana and the eastern region of the country by partnering and providing funds for social programs. With the help of benefactors and individual contributions, the programs provide technical vocational education, food, medical and dental services, as well as psycho-pedagogical support to students with learning difficulties.
Noticiassin.com – May 8, 2020