Recently, a conflict began between Russia and Ukraine, due to the military incursion of Russian troops into the country of Ukraine. This invasion has triggered a series of crises in different sectors worldwide, but how is the hospital sector affected as a result of this war? First, it must be mentioned that this industry had already been going through the ravages of the pandemic and after different sectors reopened their doors to give rise to what we know as "normality", tourism is again threatened by the war between Russia and Ukraine. In a report published in National Geographic, carried out by the journalist, José Alejandro Adamuz, he highlights that Spain is one of the countries the least affected by the war. However, it suffered a 26% decrease in destination searches. Likewise, in Eastern European countries, a stagnation has begun to be noticed in terms of travel consumption. Although it is true, the effects and consequences of this war will be in the medium term, although there are already results emerging. Among them is the closure of airspace and the rise in fuel prices, a situation that aggravates travelers and businessmen in the sector. Obviously, as a result of the sanctions imposed on Russia, there

Recently, a conflict began between Russia and Ukraine, due to the military incursion of Russian troops into the country of Ukraine. This invasion has triggered a series of crises in different sectors worldwide, but how is the hospital sector affected as a result of this war? First, it must be mentioned that this industry had already been going through the ravages of the pandemic and after different sectors reopened their doors to give rise to what we know as "normality", tourism is again threatened by the war between Russia and Ukraine. In a report published in National Geographic, carried out by the journalist, José Alejandro Adamuz, he highlights that Spain is one of the countries least affected by the war. However, it suffered a 26% decrease in destination searches. Likewise, in Eastern European countries, a stagnation has begun to be noticed in terms of travel consumption. Although it is true, the effects and consequences of this war will be in the medium term, although there are already results emerging. Among them is the closure of airspace and the rise in fuel prices, a situation that aggravates travelers and businessmen in the sector. Obviously, as a result of the sanctions imposed on Russia, there will

Nowadays, more and more women join the world of entrepreneurship and embark on a new adventure to achieve economic, personal and professional independence. More and more women are innovating and at the same time venturing into a market that is often dominated by men. These are women without barriers willing to achieve success. According to the annual report of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM), which is an international observatory that annually analyzes the entrepreneurial phenomenon, in Spain men undertake more than women. However, it should be noted that the crisis caused by Covid-19 has had a slight impact on this gap. On the other hand, the world of travel is a tourism sector that has had a great boom, at the same time women who have carried out innovative projects in this industry stand out. Among them, the entrepreneur Patricia Rosselló Palmer, winner of the "Shine Business Woman of the Year" award in the Tourism Sector in the United Kingdom in 2006. Patricia is the founder of Roibos, with more than 20 years of experience in the tourism sector. In September 2019, she founded Roibos, a technological platform that allows agencies and tour operators to contract hotel miles directly without intermediaries. The agency

The term restoration refers to businesses dedicated to the preparation of food and beverages prepared for consumption. Including different types of businesses such as restaurants, eating houses, cafeterias, bars, inns, wine bars and wineries. Times have changed and with it the world of restoration which presents numerous changes with new lines of business. Actors, comedians, athletes, singers and businessmen have followed the example of Hollywood stars such as Bruce Willis and Nicole Kidman to invest in the catering sector by opening restaurants or bars, hand in hand with renowned chefs and expert restaurateurs. Among these we can mention: Bertín Osborne: The presenter of My house is yours, has an establishment in Zaragoza called La casa de Bertín run by chef Jesús Lobato, who has become famous for using the freshest and most seasonal products.   Joaquín Sabina: It has Mexican food stores in Madrid, a chain called La Mordida where quesadillas, gringas, chicken flautas, enchiladas, carnitas or kahlúa cake are served.   Shakira y Piqué: Blue Spot has opened in the attic of the Ocean building in Barcelona, ​​with very Mediterranean dishes, such as prawn niguiri, cold crab soup with a touch of smoke, crab burger with sesame, chili and lime or cockles firewood. Enrique Iglesias, Pau Gasol y Rafael

A little while ago I didn't know what they were about and now it's the only thing that is talked about. NFT's have gone from being a talking point exclusive to the world of art and collecting, but these digital assets have found a place in restoration. VCR Group , a company dedicated to creating concepts, culinary experiences and food products in physical and digital spaces, announced that next year it will open the FlyFish Club , the world's first NFT restaurant. The FlyFish Club is a seafood-inspired concept founded by serial entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk and restaurateurs David Rodolitz, Founding Partner and CEO of Empellon Restaurant Group, Culinary Director Josh Capon of Lure Fishbar and Executive Vice President of Operations Conor Hanlon. This group of visionaries impresses in many ways. The innovative restaurant will be 10,000 square feet in an iconic New York City location. If you are wondering how you can access, then the answer is in the blockchain. Yes, to obtain a membership you must buy with non-fungible tokens, and the best thing is that being an owner can generate new business opportunities in a short time. If you have any doubts, I can tell you that according to the

Every day the enology surpasses the projected profits of the business, the techniques of science, among other aspects that are integrated into its universe. Likewise, every day there are more and more women practicing in the science of wine and who continue to be relevant in their expertise. As a wine enthusiast I read about its most outstanding specialists, among the great talents in the world of enology we cannot skip to mention María Vargas, who has developed a notorious professional career in the prestigious Marqué de Murrieta winery and was considered Best Winemaker in the World in 2017 by Tim Atkins. With a Master's Degree in Enology and Viticulture, she also received recognition for Best Wine of Europe, with her Gran Reserva Castillos de Ygay. In 2018 the first Spanish woman, Almudena Alberca, Technical Director of Bodegas Viña Mayor, was named Master of Wine, the MW recognition is one of the most demanding in the profession due to the extensive knowledge required and excellence in the wine sector. Alberca has been developing her work as an oenologist for more than 15 years, also with a degree in Agricultural Engineering. A number of great roles in winemaking played by outstanding female talents such

While beer has consistently performed well in the global economy, that doesn’t mean it has been immune from challenges brought on by the pandemic. Craft beers, in particular, have struggled amid climate change and supply chain issues–making it harder for local brands to scale into new markets. However, there is room for optimism. Read more

There is no doubt that the way of doing business and the trends to make the most of our money åhave changed in recent years. One of these instruments is crowdfunding, which can give access to a profitable market and in which you can participate with different levels of investment, depending on your appetite. There are rankings on platforms linked to the real estate sector that can help boost assets and generate profitable incomes through this method of raising capital. One of them includes Estateguru, its origin is from Estonian and has more than 100,000 investors, it’s a leader in financing and real estate investment. Among the benefits that this platform offers is the ease of access that investors have to a variety of real estate investments with relatively minimal capital, since the minimum amount to start investing is €50 euros. It has access to the real estate market in different European countries, and its historical rate of failed investments is practically null. They have a very limited risk thanks to mortgage guarantees. On the other hand, StockCrowdIN, some users highlight that it’s one of the most complete platforms. It’s authorized by the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) and has real estate

There is no doubt that the way of doing business and the trends to make the most of our money have changed in recent years. One of these instruments is crowdfunding, which can give access to a profitable market and in which you can participate with different levels of investment, depending on your appetite. There are rankings on platforms linked to the real estate sector that can help boost assets and generate profitable incomes through this method of raising capital. One of them includes Estateguru, its origin is from Estonian and has more than 100,000 investors, it’s a leader in financing and real estate investment. Among the benefits that this platform offers is the ease of access that investors have to a variety of real estate investments with relatively minimal capital, since the minimum amount to start investing is €50 euros. It has access to the real estate market in different European countries, and its historical rate of failed investments is practically null. They have a very limited risk thanks to mortgage guarantees. On the other hand, StockCrowdIN, some users highlight that it’s one of the most complete platforms. It’s authorized by the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) and has real estate