A middle eastern sandwich that has gone worldwide
Certain foods are best enjoyed in the cold winter months — hearty stews, heavy soups, thick slabs of meat. Others are better on sultry summer days — cold gazpacho, leafy salads, sautéed fish. And then there are those foods that can be enjoyed regardless of the turning of seasons. Indeed, one of them literally translates as “turning” — shawarma.
Who can rightfully claim credit for inventing tapas?
By now, most people have had the opportunity to enjoy tapas. Though invented in Spain, the popularity of small, shareable plates paired with wine or sherry has gone global. Some countries have their own twist on tapas, like botanas in Mexico or Pica-Pica in the Philippines.
How I would start my post-pandemic celebration meal
Choosing my dream post-COVID meal and the place wouldn’t be easy. But choosing how I would start it is a no-brainer: The Negroni. Is there any other combination of ingredients with a greater power to elevate the human spirit?
COVID-19: Investing during a crisis
Las crisis socio-económicas provocan un universo de emociones difíciles de detener. Esto, además de los propios desafíos que trae consigo cada una de ellas, convierte en impredecible cualquier dinámica comercial que estuviera estipulada o que se plantee llevar a cabo.En materia de inversión
Latin America Investments 2019: Talent, Creative Economy and Infrastructure
Un viejo adagio cuenta la historia de dos consultores que son enviados a una remota locación a evaluar la factibilidad de instalar una fábrica de calzados en el lugar. Luego de un repaso de las condiciones, el primer consultor mandó un correo a la empresa que los envió
Danilo Diazgranados: Entrepreneur, investor, philanthropist and passionate about gastronomy and everything that surrounds it.
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